Your Custom Home Business & the Barden Sales Pipeline

Posted by Brandon Trombley on Mar 17, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Custom home business

What’s the #1 thing that stops a custom home dealership from building new homes for new clients?

An empty list of new projects. 

Regardless of an independent custom home dealership’s level of experience or eagerness to take on a new project, a stagnant sales pipeline all but guarantees a lot of downtime. 

A sales pipeline that brings new customers to you without any effort doesn’t exist. Bringing new clients through your doors takes a multifaceted approach that’s always on

While Barden Independent Dealers are independent, they’re not alone – especially when it comes to finding new future homeowners. Just like a custom home dealership, we’re also always looking for the next Barden homeowners. However, a dealership’s individual efforts to market and grow their businesses are the most important part of a long, prosperous career in custom home building.  

What’s better than one sales pipeline that’s attracting new clients and assisting in closing deals?

Two that complement each other. 


How the Barden Sales Pipeline Works

Through a variety of means, Barden Building Products markets our company, its services, and the benefits of panelized construction to future homeowners. 

Any leads that come in through our marketing efforts are first vetted and later nurtured as we make an evaluation of their plans for their next home. Our goals in this process are to:

  • Determine how serious a potential client is about committing to building a custom home
  • Provide guidance on choosing custom home building with confidence  

Once a lead is deemed qualified and ready to move forward, we pass the new client along to the independent dealer that’s best suited to help them realize their dream home. The same goes for clients who have done their own homework and are ready to move forward on a custom home project. 

The Barden sales pipeline is only one component of an independent dealership’s overall sales strategy. 

The most successful independent dealers have developed their own sales mechanisms that are augmented by our efforts and resources.

Creating a Custom Home Business Sales Pipeline That Delivers 

As we’ve seen with both our seasoned and brand new dealerships, the components of a sales strategy that continuously pays dividends include three key elements: 

  1. Marketing
  2. Expertise 
  3. Quality 


1. Marketing 

If potential clients don’t know about your custom home company, they’ll never reach out in the first place. 

Independent dealerships with a long list of committed projects have done the legwork to make sure their business is known within their service area. Being a company that comes first to mind to those considering custom home building takes marketing through a variety of traditional and new marketing tactics

  • Print advertising
  • Broadcast advertising 
  • Online and social media advertising
  • Signage at project sites 
  • Direct mailing 

As a partner with Barden, our independent dealers have the ability to leverage our brand recognition in their promotional efforts. In addition, all Barden Independent Dealers have access to the same resources we use to nurture potential clients, such as:

  • e-Books
  • Blog articles 
  • Guides
  • Marketing materials 

2. Expertise 

The last thing any future homeowner wants is to make a once-in-a-lifetime investment in a custom home with a dealer or builder who seems unsure. 

The busiest Barden Independent Dealers are among the most knowledgeable about the entire custom home building process. They’re able to serve as more than just the company that constructs a home – they’re a partner and a resource to clients.  

Having a firm command over custom home building and all it entails makes for a much smoother – and more efficient – experience for both the dealer and the builder. Not only is less time wasted working through issues that come up (or avoiding them in the first place), but a project is kept on track from the beginning. 

With more than 70 years of experience in the custom home building industry, our team is happy to lend its wisdom to our dealers as they learn more about the industry or encounter those unique client inquiries. 

3. Quality 

The last thing any custom home dealership wants is to be associated with a final product that leaves customers unhappy. Word of mouth is powerful (as are negative reviews). Dissatisfied customers aren’t bashful about sharing their feelings with their friends and family. 

The panelized construction process used for Barden homes is one that’s synonymous with quality. All structural components of a panel-built home are made in a factory, meaning everything that arrives at the build site is precision engineered and ready. In addition, clients don’t need to make sacrifices to build their dream home – all Barden homes are 100% customizable. No matter what a client’s vision is (within reason), a Barden home can be tailored to meet all their needs and wants. 

While it’s rare in custom home building to have repeat customers, it’s very common to have new clients who were referred by happy homeowners


Barden Building Products + Independent Dealers = A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

An established sales pipeline should take the heavy lifting out of attracting new clients and guiding them through their decision process. 

While the Barden sales pipeline is there to help future custom homeowners find Barden, it’s only one part of a successful business plan for independent dealers. By combining our resources with a carefully crafted sales plan, an independent dealer has a much easier time making sure their list of upcoming projects is always full. 

Boost Your Custom Home Business’s Sale Pipeline 

Download our e-book to learn about how becoming a Barden Independent Dealer helps your business build more homes:

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Topics: Panelized Construction, Barden Independent Dealers

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