For some future custom homeowners, the path to homeownership involves a more hands-on approach.
Barden Building Products Blog Archive
When Your Client is Building a Custom Home: The Dealer's Role
Topics: Behind the Scenes, Independent Dealers, Barden Independent Dealers
Custom Home Building Process: Preparing Your Clients
Topics: Behind the Scenes, Construction Timeline, Independent Dealers, Barden Independent Dealers
Modular Vs. Panelized Homes at Your Dealership
Topics: Behind the Scenes, Panel Vs. Modular Home Construction, Independent Dealers, Barden Independent Dealers, Custom Home Building Industry
What's a Barden Independent Custom Home Dealer?
As a company specializing in designing and supplying custom-home material packages, we’ve seen homes of all shapes and sizes. We often joke that we’ve never manufactured the same home twice, as each homeowner builds a house that meets their specific needs.
Topics: Insider, Behind the Scenes, About, Resources, Independent Dealers, Barden Independent Dealers
4 Reasons to Become a Barden Independent Dealer
Becoming a custom home dealer is a life-changing decision. So is expanding an existing business. That’s why it’s important to find the right manufacturing partner.
Topics: Insider, Resources, Independent Dealers, Barden Independent Dealers