Barden Building Products Blog Archive

4 Parts of Building A Home That You Thought Were Important

Posted by Brandon Trombley on Aug 2, 2019 10:52:27 AM

Our team has been working with people looking to build their custom dream home for 70 years. In that time, we’ve become familiar with the thought process of many homeowners before, during, and after their build.

Oftentimes, we see homeowners get hung up on some of the more unimportant aspects of building -- and these small details set the project back and incur additional expenses unnecessarily.

We’ve compiled some of the most common “traps” we see homeowners fall into when planning their project, in the hopes of aiding in keeping your project process smooth and efficient.

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Topics: Panelized Construction, Behind the Scenes, Exterior Design, Interior Design, Technical Specs, Process, Site Prep, Suppliers, Home Customization

How Much of Your Home Building Budget Goes to an Architect?

Posted by Brandon Trombley on May 17, 2019 10:42:24 AM

When building a custom home, there is one thing on the forefront of everyone’s minds: budget. As any savvy new home owner knows, budget goes beyond setting one fixed number and sticking to it through the building process.

While it is important to have your “magic number” or goal budget -- It’s also to know how much of that budget is allocated to various facets of the building process. And most important of all? Finding areas where they can tighten their budget, and save a little money if possible.

In this article we’re going to explore one major, expensive aspect of the home building budget: hiring an architect. How much of your budget should be going to an architect? Just how much are you getting for your money?

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Topics: Panelized Construction, Behind the Scenes, Budget, Exterior Design, Interior Design, Technical Specs, Process, Price, Site Prep

5 Reasons Why Panelized Home Construction Makes the Best New Builds

Posted by Brandon Trombley on Feb 7, 2019 12:21:03 PM

With roots tracing back to some of the first homes in America, panelized construction has a firm foothold in home construction. 

Though panel building’s origins are old, panel built homes are anything but dated. 

During the past 70 years, we’ve seen many trends, technologies, and techniques come and go in the home building industry.  We’ve also watched how panelized construction has evolved in more recent history, too, and become a polished manufacturing process with an unmatched level of precision

While there’s no one way to build a home, panelized construction gives homeowners the absolute flexibility to realize the home of their dreams down to the smallest detail while keeping costs in check

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Topics: Panelized Construction, Exterior Design, Interior Design, Technical Specs, Process, Suppliers, Home Customization

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