For every new home concept, there are countless builders who will tell you their construction method is best.
Stick building and modular construction are two of the most common home-building methods. From our perspective, panelized construction is the happy medium between the two.
The proof?
Panelized home construction is what we’ve built our business on during the last 7 decades. And we’ve helped hundreds of customers make their dream home a reality through our construction method.
So what makes a panelized construction home different?
We can think of four reasons why you’ll find a panel-built house is the right choice for you.
4 Reasons to Opt for a Panelized Construction Home
Considered a hybrid of traditional stick building and modular construction, panel-built homes allow you to create the house you’ve always wanted through a simplified and efficient process.
Panelized construction homes are:
- Fully customizable
- Built efficiently
- Cost effective
- Eco-friendly
1. Fully Customizable
Panel built homes represent value engineering.
Because the structural components of panel built homes are designed and built by the manufacturer, you’re able to customize every element of it from the beginning.
From your must-haves, such as an accessible floor plan or spacious kitchen, to the smaller details, such as trim style or outlet placement, panelized construction easily makes your vision a reality.
That’s not to say other building methods eliminate a homeowner’s ability to tailor their next home to their needs. They do, but not to the same extent. As soon as customization enters the equation, homeowners may find themselves:
- Making tradeoffs
- Selecting from limited options
- Spending more money
- Waiting longer to move in
2. Efficient Construction
Work to build your home begins as soon as you’ve settled on a design.
At your panel home manufacturer’s facility, crews fabricate the panels, trusses, and other structural components of your new house. Meanwhile, crews are on-site getting your lot prepared for the actual construction for your next home. Typical site prep work includes:
- Foundation installation
- Grading and excavating
- Driveway installation
- Tree and brush removal
- Utility installation, e.g. water and sewer lines
With site prep and manufacturing happening in tandem, those building your home hit the ground running with everything they need ready to go. If the weather cooperates, the shell of your home is up in a matter of weeks and its interior is finished in a few months.
3. Cost Effective
The cost of construction is important to anyone working with a budget. Panelized construction is not only cost effective, but also offers cost control.
Panelized construction saves you money during two of the most labor-intensive phases of building any home:
- Off-site manufacturing
- On-site construction
Panelized construction starts in a factory. That means the panels and other structural components comprising your home are made-to-order. Materials are ordered in specific quantities, and very little goes to waste. In other words, your hard-earned money doesn’t pay for excess scrap.
Additionally, because design and manufacturing of the components for your home happen in-house, there's better controls over the quantities and cost of what's needed to build. This eliminates the potential for costly extras and overrides during the building process and any major deviations from your quoted price.
When it’s time to put the hammer to nail, so to speak, panelized construction takes less time. You won’t be paying crews to be on-site longer than they need to be. Other building methods are more open to delays or your contractor hiring specialty workers -- both factors that drive up costs quickly.
4. Eco-Friendly
Panel-built homes let you construct the house you’ve always wanted without having to worry about making a major impact on the environment.
Because a custom-built home means you’re creating a new structure, you can easily integrate the latest building materials that are environmentally friendly or energy efficient. Through advances in technology and processes, those materials are made to last -- you won’t be replacing your siding or brick because it’s falling apart.
And while you’re not paying for excess scrap, less waste also means fewer dumpsters and trips to the landfill. You can feel a little better about leaving less behind.
As we mentioned, panel construction homes are fully customizable. This allows you to create an eco-friendly home floor plan that harnesses natural rhythms for your benefit, such as wind direction or seasonal sun cycles.
Panelized Construction Home Benefits = A House You’ll Love
Panelized construction homes are completely customer-centric.
From the day you begin designing your home to when the last nail is hammered in, you’re in the driver’s seat and know exactly what to expect. And you won’t deal with the headaches of other home building methods.
Panelized construction makes it easy to build a home you’ll instantly fall in love with.